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Media Industry the most environmentally conscious, according to new research by Morgan Pryce.

11th May 2011

Media Industry the most environmentally conscious, according to new research by Morgan Pryce.

Research carried out by Morgan Pryce across over 600 businesses working in London has shown that the media industry is the most environmentally concerned when choosing an office space, with 37% choosing a carbon neutral office over any other space, even if the cost was greater.

Other industries that also proved particularly environmentally aware were the financial services industry (23%) Charities/ not for profit (22%)

David Perrins, Managing Director of Morgan Pryce said of the research: “As Corporate Social Responsibility plays an increasingly important role in decision making at board level, businesses are keen to show their positive green credential increasingly more, in order to attract business, investors and improve their public image.

He added: “The research, carried out at the beginning of the year, shows a really positive move by companies to embrace green buildings, who are cottoning on to the importance of CSR, beyond ticking boxes. Now that it is so high on the public agenda, it becomes an important tool for recruitment and investment. The fact that the media industry is leading the way shows their understanding, particularly from a public relations perspective- and it will clearly only be a matter of time before every industry is looking for carbon neutral buildings.

He adds: “However, while there is currently a shortage of eco-buildings for the London business population, what the research does not factor in is the other work done by many businesses to offset their carbon footprints, which has grown massively over the last ten years, becoming an ever important aspect of business practice.”

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