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Microsoft’s Office 365 shrinks IT Space in London Offices

30th June 2011

Microsoft’s Office 365 shrinks IT Space in London Offices

Over recent years Cloud computing has been the buzz word in the world of IT but it’s only recently that Morgan Pryce has noticed a significant take up of the solution by our clients.

From a property point of view less servers and hardware sitting in an office taking up floor space means  more space afor staff, which makes the use of spacce even more efficient.

With average London office rents in the region of £40.00 per sq ft per annum (£430 per sq m per annum)  a 30 person business could be looking to save up to £20,000 per over a 5 year lease by simply taking a bit less space. In addition the Mircosoft solution is highly scalable and cost effective with a simple license per month agreement starting well under £10.00 per month per user.

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