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Sustainability in the office place

5th May 2015

Sustainability in the office place

It’s no secret that green is the new black, you can see it everywhere; the recycling bins added onto the standard bins on the street, the encouragement not to take a plastic bag at supermarkets and with the mass advertising of anything bio-degradable. We are even seeing it creep into the office market. How? Firstly, the prerequisite to bike storage and showers so staff can decrease there carbon foot print by cycling to work and more recently the demand of a “green lease” from sustainability savvy landlords. 

Green leases can contain a number of different things the landlord will want implement to keep the office space “green”. This can vary from sensor lights to the use of materials from sustainable resources. What’s the benefits? Besides the obvious reason to improve the environment there is actually a number of benefits for both the landlord and tenant.  To name a few; the reduction of utilities consumption will save money, being “green” is good for your brand image, be seen as innovated in your field by adoption green practices. 

Fraser Williams, Director at Morgan Pryce said “Green leases are being pushed by some of the big landlords around London, this is great to see as it encourages business to get on board.”

This news was brought to you by Morgan Pryce, a specialist tenant acquisition agent with offices in Oxford Circus and the City. Morgan Pryce specialises in search, negotiation and project management and works exclusively for tenants.

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