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Employee appreciation is one of the most fundamental elements of creating an engaged workforce. Nothing is more demoralising to an employee than their efforts going unseen, and nothing creates motivation like recognition of a job well done.
From the simple to the surprising, there are many ways you can reward your employees for all their hard work. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
Happy Birthdays
Perhaps the simplest way of all to celebrate your employees is to make a little effort for their birthday. A card, cake, or even a day off will go a long way to making them feel seen and valued.
Go Public
Show you appreciate your staff by extending it out of house. Take it to your company social media platforms, highlighting who they are, how their hard work has contributed to the business and how valuable they are to the team.
Office Trophy
This is a great strategy for fostering peer-to-peer recognition. Choose a totem – anything from a traditional trophy cup to a soft toy — and get your employees to vote for who they believe has contributed to the team the most or in a meaningful way each week. The winner will then be able to display the ‘trophy’ on their desk for the next week.
Recognition Day
At the grander end of the spectrum, formal employee appreciation days take more organisation than some of the tips on this list, but they are invaluable to creating a company-wide culture of teamwork and recognition.
Company Awards and Prizegiving
This is the ultimate chance to recognise and celebrate employees for their individual talents and skills and make them feel uniquely valued and integral to the team and success of the company.
This news was brought to you by Morgan Pryce, a specialist tenant acquisition agent with offices in Oxford Circus and the City. Morgan Pryce specialises in search, negotiation and project management and works exclusively for tenants.
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