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Thousands wave goodbye to the UK heat wave today - Morgan Pryce

26th July 2013

Thousands wave goodbye to the UK heat wave today

If you are reading this on your smartphone while sitting at the airport, you will be one of thousands UK workers who have booked their time off to jet away today. 

With most schools having just broken up, today is expected to be busiest day of the year for the travel industry in the UK – albeit most of those travelling will be heading abroad and hoping to avoid the imminent rain that is forecast on home shores. Estimates are that thirty thousand people will be due to travel just through London’s airports and Eurostar hubs today, with 120,000 of those coming via Heathrow.

The weekend is set to see that figure triple, with 358,000 anticipated to be departing from Heathrow on the busiest weekend of the year so far, 72,000 via Gatwick today and 125,000 and 70,000 from the other south-east airports of Stansted and Luton. 

However, optimism continues to reign in the UK too as travel agents, hotels and tour operators here report increased holiday bookings from those who want to strike while the iron – or the weather – is hot. 

Traditional seaside destinations such as Blackpool, Bournemouth and Brighton are proving ever popular, as well as the picturesque escape getaway of the Lake District. 

Further afield, Spain and France, the Med and the Canary Islands remain popular, and the packed-out flights to Greece and Turkey can only do much-needed good for the economies and tourism industries of those countries. 

Of course, it is hoped that the record July weather (and recent royal baby news) is doing just as much good for the London tourist industry, enticing visitors from overseas and boosting our own capital’s economy. 

This news was brought to you by Morgan Pryce, a specialist tenant acquisition agent with offices in Oxford Circus and the City. Morgan Pryce specialises in search, negotiation and project management and works exclusively for tenants. 

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