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What exactly is a wellness room and why should your office have one - Morgan Pryce

What exactly is a wellness room and why should your office have one
30th January 2020

What exactly is a wellness room and why should your office have one

Promoting wellness in the office is centred around offering employees opportunities and strategies for improving their health. A significant aspect of wellness promotion is making sure that your office space facilitates good health practices. Offices designed with employee health and wellbeing in mind help to improve employee retention, lower absenteeism and boost productivity. One feature that is fast becoming a major player in wellness office design is the wellness room.

What exactly is a wellness room?

More than just a breakout area or canteen, a wellness room is a designated, private area in your office where employees can take a bit of time out to tend to their own personal health needs.

Why should your office have a wellness room?

The trend for open offices shows little sign of slowing, yet evidence continues to suggest that office spaces without traditional walls and doors can increase employee anxiety and stress and lead to poor productivity.

With this in mind, it’s not difficult to see how a wellness room offers multiple benefits for the workplace. At baseline, it provides employees who feel unwell with a space where they take a bit of time out to relax and recuperate. It is also a place for private or sensitive discussion, where mothers can breastfeed or pump milk, and employees who need to take regular medication or give themselves injections can do so comfortably.

How can you create a wellness room in your office?

Fortunately, you don’t have to set aside a large area or a significant budget to create an effective and welcoming private space. An unused office would be perfect, but even modular dividers and some strategic sound proofing would give a sufficiently quiet and discreet break-away area.

Then, once you’ve found the right space, you can get to work kitting it out with appropriate fittings and accessories, such as:

  • Comfortable seating
  • A sofa large enough to recline on if required
  • Low lighting or a nice lamp
  • Soft blankets
  • A small refrigerator
  • Healthy snacks and drinks

With working days becoming longer and longer, it is more important than ever to make sure your office keeps up with current trends and meets the health requirements of your employees. Providing a space that acknowledges and supports the stress that comes with such long working hours will do wonders for team morale, productivity and wellbeing.

This news was brought to you by Morgan Pryce, a specialist tenant acquisition agent with offices in Oxford Circus and the City. Morgan Pryce specialises in search, negotiation and project management and works exclusively for tenants.

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