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Project Management

21st September 2017

Project Management

Businesses will always need to refurbish their new office spaces to some degree, and this is often an area where companies lack experience. Office fit project management is part of the service Morgan Pryce offers, because we know that making your office space fit your business culture and working methods is vital to the success of your organisation.

We have a clear project management ideology that ensures the process of creating your ideal office space is managed efficiently and cost-effectively. This includes creating a project briefing document, outlining the works you need, creating information packs for all relevant contractors, creating the tender package and ensuring the best fit-out companies pitch for the business, analysing the pitch process and making recommendations, managing the contracts, overseeing completion of the site, in addition to managing the ongoing payment process.

We have an impeccable track record of providing a highly-successful project management service to a wide range of clients, ensuring a fast and snag-free service that is on time and on budget.

For more information on our project management service, download our Project Management Process document.

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