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Rent Reviews

Rent Reviews
21st December 2017

Rent Reviews

Facing a rent review can be a stressful time for companies and organisations, particularly in London, where rents have been unstable in recent years. There are hundreds of tenants whose landlords are preparing rental uplifts and instructing their own advisors to force through unfair increases, so understanding your rights and how you can limit these problems is vital.

We often feel that commercial can be an unfair market place, where experienced and knowledgeable property owners, whose business it is to earn money from collecting rent, continually try to get higher and better rates. They will often appoint their own handpicked agents to represent them and carry out their instructions, and this is done to establish a compelling and sometimes persuasive case as to why the rent is going up.

Morgan Pryce understands this, and has acted to ensure that tenants have access to the best possible defence. We know what it takes to keep rents low on behalf of our tenants. We offer a unique blend of up-to-date market intelligence backed up by the fact that our negotiations are driven by actual deals that we have successfully completed. Our teams work solely for tenants, operating in the market every day, and forcing landlords to maintain or lower their rates.

If you’re looking to appoint a technically confident and experienced team with a pedigree of reducing rents, then Morgan Pryce can help you. We will assign a dedicated professional to your case, who will have more market knowledge than the landlord, and aggressively defend your position and ensure the landlord cannot pull the wool over your eyes.

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