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The importance of keeping up with workplace technology

The importance of keeping up with workplace technology
8th August 2019

The importance of keeping up with workplace technology

Workplace technology is changing at a rapid pace. Gone are the days of monolithic software systems that ran entire businesses; now we use cloud-based applications that are accessible from any location, and with advancements in artificial intelligence being made every day, who knows what tomorrow will bring?

This often staggering rate of change can be daunting. At times it can even feel as though you have finally implemented a new technology successfully only for it to be updated or replaced by a better product. However, remaining current with major technological advancements is an increasingly important part of business in today’s markets, and firms should always be identifying and implementing new solutions that will enable them to serve their customers more effectively and efficiently or improve internal efficiencies and reduce costs.

Here are four ways to strengthen your knowledge of technology and effectively implement new trends in the workplace:

  1. Research. One of the great things about technological advancements is the vast array of publications, blogs, websites, podcasts and more devoted to technology and its development. Take the time to explore these and become acquainted with the terms and emerging trends.

  2. Observe. Monitor how leading firms outside your market are applying new technologies to create competitive advantage and consider ways these methods can be applied to your business model.

  3. Engage. Ask your employees, customers and business partners for feedback regarding the technologies they are exploring to give you inspiration for new solutions that may be beneficial to your own business expansion.

  4. Practise. Provide regular training to ensure that all your employees can implement the new technologies effectively, generating maximum benefit for your company.

This news was brought to you by Morgan Pryce, a specialist tenant acquisition agent with offices in Oxford Circus and the City. Morgan Pryce specialises in search, negotiation and project management and works exclusively for tenants.

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