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Deconstruction is key to sustainable development

11th March 2014

Deconstruction is key to sustainable development

With sustainability being very important in all aspect of modern life, new developments are required to be ‘green’ energy efficient buildings. The energy efficiency of a building is generally measured through the efficiency of the running of the building through Energy Performance Certificates and BREAM ratings. This is a good measure of the buildings carbon foot print and waste management. 

It does not however take into account the most unsustainable part of the development, which is the deconstruction. To deliver a sustainable development, a deconstruction period that does not produce excess waste and create a negative environmental impact must become a core part of the planning of the project.

Procedures in demolition have already started to use innovative approaches to recycling, reuse and reclamation from deconstruction. Although manufacturing advances have led to the decreased use of non-renewable materials, which is certainly encouraging, it has increased the amount of manmade materials that are being used. Manmade materials are difficult and costly to get rid of. 

At the end of the day, it is important that good design practice should incorporate the full life of all the building products, irrespective of their material base or manufacture process. For this to be achieved, there must be a considerable alteration in the design and construction approach if we are  to be in a position that will truly deliver long term sustainable construction.

The UK is behind other European countries in the construction of sustainable development such as Switzerland and the Netherlands, but with increased regulation around the full life of developments the UK is improving rapidly. 

This news was brought to you by Morgan Pryce, a specialist tenant acquisition agent with offices in Oxford Circus and the City. Morgan Pryce specialises in search, negotiation and project management and works exclusively for tenants.

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