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Pryce Morgan - 2019 August

Six failsafe employee retention strategies

Six failsafe employee retention strategies

In an increasingly competitive business world, demand for industry-leading talent has never been higher and employee retention has never been of greater concern. Why is employee retention important?Employee retention is crucial for organisations competing for top talent in today’s economy. The cost of employee turnover is high, and not just...
30th August 2019
How to manage and prevent workplace bullying

How to manage and prevent workplace bullying

What is bullying in the workplace? Bullying at work comes in many shapes and forms, and can be perpetrated by anyone in a company, from top managers to new hires. Some examples of workplace bullying include: • Insults, hostility or victimisation• Spreading rumours • Excluding or ignoring certain individuals •...
22nd August 2019
Four major cost-saving tips for your business

Four major cost-saving tips for your business

Cost reduction has always been a priority for businesses, but it can be tricky to achieve if you want to hold onto your staff and keep your offering at the level customers expect. Fortunately, there are many sustainable business practices that you can adopt to spend less and ultimately add...
21st August 2019
Fostering camaraderie in the office

Fostering camaraderie in the office

Positive relationships between employees are crucial to keeping workforce energy levels and productivity high. With so much time spent at the office, it’s vital that your staff enjoy coming to work and working with the same people every day. The following are a few easy strategies you can use to...
17th August 2019
U+I gets green light for 29,000 sq ft ‘innovation hub’ at its Old Vinyl Factory

U+I gets green light for 29,000 sq ft ‘innovation hub’ at its Old Vinyl Factory

U+I has secured planning permission from Hillingdon Council for a 29,000 sq ft flexible workspace at its Old Vinyl Factory in West London. The complex’s Power House — originally built in 1907 as the power generating plant for record label EMI’s global manufacturing headquarters — will be refurbished to house...
12th August 2019
The importance of keeping up with workplace technology

The importance of keeping up with workplace technology

Workplace technology is changing at a rapid pace. Gone are the days of monolithic software systems that ran entire businesses; now we use cloud-based applications that are accessible from any location, and with advancements in artificial intelligence being made every day, who knows what tomorrow will bring? This often staggering rate...
8th August 2019
BT set to relocate to new City of London headquarters

BT set to relocate to new City of London headquarters

BT has confirmed plans to relocate to Aldgate Developments’ One Braham following the sale of its existing London headquarters to Orion Capital Managers for £209.55 million. The telecoms giant has been housed in its famous headquarters at 81 Newgate Street for almost 35 years, but has now confirmed that the...
6th August 2019
AXA Investment Managers pre-lets 75,000 sq ft at 22 Bishopsgate to Cooley

AXA Investment Managers pre-lets 75,000 sq ft at 22 Bishopsgate to Cooley

US-based law firm Cooley has pre-let 75,000 sq ft over the 22nd, 23rd and 24th floors at 22 Bishopsgate on a 17-year lease. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, Cooley also has a significant presence in the UK capital, and intends to move its 200-strong London team to the new space...
1st August 2019

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