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With this heat wave passing over, the decision of what to wear to work when you are going into a Central London office has become a regular topic of conversation. Throughout the people tend to know exactly what they can get away with, whether it be fully suited and booted or wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt you know where you stand. However in this scorching weather the temptation to push the boundary. Tie off, sleeves rolled up, shorts or even flip flops depending on where you work, whether its offices in Mayfair or Soho/Covent Garden what you will get away with completely change.
It is a bit of generalisation but the different office sub-markets in London there you can almost work out where you are by what is being worn and these days it is almost impossible to tell who is a powerful successful business person and who isn’t. With the media industry booming, there are many entrepreneurial business men or women who are incredibly wealthy. 20 years ago, the majority of the time you could tell who was making serious money by what suit they were wearing, the watch they had and shoes they had on. However, now it is almost impossible to tell who is heading up a growing profitable company as so many of the directors of media companies will be very casual in what they wear. This brings to mind an image of Steve Jobs who headed up one of the world’s leading technology firms and would never be seen in anything smarter than a jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of air-force ones. Now in business you judge a book by its cover to your peril.
This news article comes from Morgan Pryce, a specialist tenant acquisition agent with offices in Oxford Circus and the City. Morgan Pryce specialises in search, negotiation and project management and works exclusively for tenants.
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