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Recognising employees remotely - Morgan Pryce

Recognising employees remotely
3rd June 2020

Recognising employees remotely

Employee recognition has always been a key concern for employers, but with the current health crisis meaning the majority of the workforce has been working for home for many months and may continue to do so for some months to come, it’s more important than ever for managers to show appreciation for their staff and find ways of recognising their work from a distance.

Here are four ways you can reward your remote staff so they continue to feel part of a team.

  1. Public acknowledgement

It’s likely that when you gathered in the office every day, achievements were celebrated together, during meetings or in front of the rest of the team. Now that your employees are working remotely, invite them to a virtual meeting to announce their accomplishments. This will help bring that feeling of in-office celebration to them and remind them that they are an integral and valued part of a team.

  1. Be personal!

A great way to ensure that someone feels recognised and part of a team even if they’re working alone is to tailor the recognition to them personally. Whether you send them a gift card to a local restaurant or a trip for the whole family, let them know you know them and value their individual contribution.

  1. Recognise specific actions

Similarly, take care to reward specific achievements. Not only does this show personal appreciation, it also fosters behaviours you would like to see more of and encourages other employees to follow suit.

  • 4. Offer technology and workspace upgrades

The tools people use for work make a huge difference to their job satisfaction, and never more so than now, when so many of us are working from home in make-shift spaces. Offering an extra monitor, a tablet, new headphones or a laptop upgrade might seem a bit boring, but they are important. You could even give employees an allowance to choose a tool or technology for themselves.

This news was brought to you by Morgan Pryce, a specialist tenant acquisition agent with offices in Oxford Circus and the City. Morgan Pryce specialises in search, negotiation and project management and works exclusively for tenants.

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